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Hodges Community Center
4011 University Ave, Lubbock

Interactive Reading, Writing, and Recreation

06/16/2021 09:45 AM – 06/16/2021 11:45 AM

NEW! Catch up this summer of help maintain your child's grade level. Enroll in TEKS based tutoring to understand and analyze across gene across genres, literacy, informational text and build on social skills while having fun! Pre-registration the Wednesday before by noon for the following week. This class meets every Monday and Wednesday from 9:45 am to 11:45 am beginning June 7th thru August 4th. No class the week of July 5 and 7th.

Ages: 8-12 years

Cost: $25 per week or $80 for 4 weeks

Instructor: Marjorie Grissom

For more information, please call (806) 767-3706 or to register online, visit us at www.PlayLubbock.com