Some activities require a permit. Please contact the Parks and Recreation Office for details regarding your particular event and to place it on our Parks Calendar. Please note our office has moved and we are now located in Citizen's Tower at 1314 Avenue K, 3rd floor, Lubbock, TX 79401
Alcohol Permit
The sale and/or consumption of alcohol may be allowed by special permit at the following parks:
•Berl Huffman
•Buddy & Maria Elena Holly Plaza
•Buddy Holly Recreational Area
•Dunbar Historical Lake
•Llano Estacado Lake
•Mae Simmons
•Moonlight Musicals Amphitheatre
Permit fee is $250. To obtain a permit and make payment, call Parks and Recreation office at (806) 775-2673 or (806) 775-2687
Noise Permit
Required for amplified sound outdoors within the City limits.
Contact the City Secretary's Office at (806) 775-2028
Temporary Food Permit
May be required when serving food to the public.
Contact Health Department at (806) 775-3000
Inflatable Play Equipment Permit
Required when using inflatable play equipment (bouncers, climbers, etc.) in City parks.
Contact Parks and Recreation at (806) 775-2687 or (806) 775-2673
For more information and to view the ordinance, click Inflatable Play Equipment Ordinance
Mobile Food Vendor Permit
Required when operating a Food Truck while on City Park property.
Contact Parks and Recreation at (806) 775-2687 or (806) 775-2673
Remote Control Boating Permit
Required when using a boat on the City lakes.
Contact Parks and Recreation at (806) 775-2687 or (806) 775-2673
Remote Control Airplane Permit
Required when operating a remote control airplane.
Please keep in mind the City has only one remote control airport at FM179 just north of 19th Street. To complete and print an online Remote Control Airplane permit, click on the link below and carry it with you while flying.
Remote Control Airplane Permit
Contact Parks and Recreation at (806) 775-2687
Boating Permit
Required when using a boat on playa lakes inside City Parks.
A FREE boating permit is required from the Parks and Recreation Office or website to use water craft in Lubbock City Parks. To receive a boating permit by mail, call (806) 775-2673 or (806) 775-2687. To complete and print an online boating permit, click on the link below and carry it with you while boating. To pick up a boating permit, come by the Parks and Recreation Office located at 1314 Avenue K, 3rd floor, Lubbock, TX 79401.
Portable Toilets in Parks
Ordinance 2016-O0141
To place or use any portable toilet in any public park, public playground, or public space within the City, except at those areas set apart and designated as grounds therefore by the Parks and Recreation Director who shall produce a list of such designated grounds upon request. The list of designated grounds shall also be made available on the City of Lubbock Parks and Recreation website.
For more information, call 806-775-2669. Ball fields are handled by our Athletics staff, and they can be reached at 806-775-2672.
Parks Where Portable Toilets Are Allowed:
- Andrews Park
- Clapp Park
- Chatman Park
- Cooke Park
- Davies Park
- Davis Park
- Duran Park
- Elmore Park
- Guadalupe Park
- Guy Park
- Stumpy Hamilton Park
- Hinojosa Park
- Hodges Park
- Hoel Park
- Hood Park
- Berl Huffman Athletic Complex
- Huneke Park
- Lakes 1, 2, 3, and 6
- Leftwich Park
- Lewis Park
- Long Park
- Lopez Park
- Lusk Park
- Mackenzie Park
- Mahon Park
- Maxey Park
- McAlister Park
- Miller Park
- Ratliff Park
- Reagan Park
- Ribble Park