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4500 Avenue U
Lubbock, TX 79412

Safety City will host its Annual Summer Health and Safety Fair

Safety City will host its Annual Summer Health and Safety Fair on Saturday, May 11, 2019, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Activities include carnival games, dental care information, nutritional information, entertainment, free health screenings, information on runaway and homeless youth, wildlife information, demonstrations, and veterinary care information. Local health, safety, and children’s organizations will provide health and safety information, martial arts demonstrations, and activities for children and adults. We will also have door prizes and giveaways. For more information, or to host a booth, call 767-2712.

Located inside Clapp Park at 46th Street and Avenue U, Safety City is a unique kid-sized town where students learn hands-on the rules of pedestrian, bicycle and traffic safety. For more information about Safety City and its programs, call (806) 767-2712.