If you have ever wanted to get behind-the-scenes of City of Lubbock services or gain insight into municipal government, Lubbock 101 is for you.
Lubbock 101 is a citizens academy designed for residents to learn more about their city, its operations and all the services it provides. The program consists of five classroom sessions, tours of several City of Lubbock departments and three field days to the City's Fleet Services, the Water Treatment and Distribution operations plant and the Airport Fire Station.
Lubbock 101 starts Thursday, March 26, 2020, and ends with a graduation and recognition ceremony during the Lubbock City Council meeting on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, at 4:30 p.m.
An application is required for enrollment. Enrollment is limited to 22 participants. Application deadline is February 24, 2020.
The Lubbock 101 application, syllabus and schedule can be found at mylubbock.us/Lubbock101.