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1625 13th Street
Lubbock, TX

Lubbock Fire Rescue Offering Carbon Monoxide, Smoke Detectors to Citizens

It is crucial for every household to have working smoke detectors on the property. Statistics from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) show that your chance for surviving a residential fire increase 50% if that home has working smoke detectors. If your home has gas-fired appliances, it is vital to have a carbon monoxide detector in the residence. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every year in the U.S., carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is responsible for more than 50,000 emergency department visits resulting in more than 400 deaths. These two items could mean the difference between life and death. It is Lubbock Fire Rescue's (LFR) goal to have a working smoke detector in every home. With that goal in mind, LFR and the City of Lubbock Community Development Department are in partnership to offer free carbon monoxide and smoke detectors to any City of Lubbock resident.

Once a citizen has requested smoke detectors and/or a carbon monoxide detector, members of LFR will go out to the citizen's property and install the detectors.


There are three ways for residents to request free smoke and CO detectors:

- call 311 and leave your contact information with a call taker

- an online form and more information can be found at www.lubbockfirerescue.com

- citizens can email their name, address and phone number to firesafety@mylubbock.us.