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915 Avenue J
Lubbock, TX 79401

Lubbock Municipal Court to Reopen Monday, June 15

Lubbock Municipal Court is firmly committed to complying with all federal, state, and local laws, guidelines, and recommendations that have been enacted as a response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


On Monday, June 15, 2020, Lubbock Municipal Court plans to reopen its doors to the public. The court would like to highlight a few important changes to court operations starting on this date to best serve the public while simultaneously safeguarding the safety of both the public and court personnel.


  • Business hours. Normal business hours to the public will resume (8:30 am-5:00 pm). 


  • Online, mail, and telephone. The public is still encouraged to utilize any and all of these remote methods to resolve their citation.


  • Vulnerable individuals. Vulnerable individuals have been defined as those over age 65 or individuals with serious underlying health conditions, such as high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, and those whose immune systems are compromised such as by chemotherapy for cancer or other conditions requiring such therapy. 


  • The court will add language to all of its notices, orders, and other correspondence notifying individuals to contact the court in order to identify themselves as “vulnerable.”
  • Special accommodations for court, including the ability to appear for court “remotely” via Zoom, will be made for individuals identifying themselves as “vulnerable.”


  • Screening. Individuals feeling feverish or with measured temperatures equal to or greater than 100.0° F, or with new or worsening signs or symptoms of COVID-19, such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, or having known close contact with a person who is confirmed to have COVID-19 will not be permitted entry.


  • Minimizing number of people. The court encourages only the person who received the citation to visit the court (this includes not bringing children). This will help expedite the process and will ensure compliance with prescribed social distancing practices.


Exceptions to the above recommendation:

  • Parent/guardian accompanying a minor/juvenile;
  • Person assisting someone with a disability; or
  • Person assisting as an interpreter for another person.


Face Coverings. The court encourages all people visiting Lubbock Municipal Court to wear some kind of protective face covering during their court visit. Face coverings will be provided for those who do not have them. 


Jury trials in Lubbock Municipal Court will be postponed until at least August 1, 2020 pursuant to Texas Supreme Court order.