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Citizens Tower
1314 Avenue K, Lubbock

City of Lubbock Public Health Department Reminds Citizens of Best Practices to Stay Healthy and Avoid COVID-19

The City of Lubbock Public Health Department has recently seen an increase in local COVID-19 cases, and, in an effort to return to the low case counts Lubbock experienced in previous months, the Public Health Department has compiled the following information to share with residents.

Citizens are encouraged to stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines: 

  • All individuals 6 months of age or older are eligible for the primary series.
  • 1 booster is recommended for individuals 5+ years of age.
  • 2 boosters are recommended for individuals 50+ years of age.
  • 2 boosters are recommended for individuals ages 12-50 with a moderately or severely compromised immune system.

Receiving a vaccination boosts the body’s natural defenses against disease to decrease a person's chances of getting sick, and if they do get sick, vaccines are proven to reduce the length and severity of the COVID-19 illness.

Anyone at risk for complications with COVID-19, such as individuals who are overweight, diabetic, or those over 65 years of age, and are not vaccinated, are encouraged to talk to their doctor about which vaccines are best for them. 

As always, remember to stay home if you test positive for COVID-19 or are feeling sick, and get tested if you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

For more information about COVID-19 testing sites in Lubbock, visit mylubbock.us/test-sites.