W. Jarrett Atkinson
Welcome to the City of Lubbock! We're home to nearly 265,000 people on the South Plains of Texas that has great people, warm hospitality, and beautiful sunsets.
The City Manager's Office provides oversight and direction for all City departments. One of the City Manager's biggest functions is preparing and submitting a balanced budget to the City Council. The City Manager's Office also assists the City Council in the development and formulation of policies, goals, and objectives.
W. Jarrett Atkinson has 20 years of experience managing, developing, implementing, and delivering services for cities and public entities. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Police Science from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. He received his Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Texas Tech University during which time he interned with the City of Lubbock in the City Manager’s Office.
Atkinson served as the Local Government Services Director for the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission from 1994 to 2004. His responsibilities included municipal infrastructure project management, regional water planning services, and development of special services.
He served the City of Amarillo for 11 years, starting in 2004 as the Deputy City Manager. Atkinson became Amarillo’s City Manager in 2010 where he directed more than 2,100 full-time employees and managed an annual budget of approximately $336 million.
The Lubbock City Council appointed Atkinson to the position of Lubbock City Manager in November, 2016. Atkinson welcomes citizen input regarding all aspects of the City organization and its operations.
Contact Info
Email: JAtkinson@mylubbock.us
Phone: (806) 775-2003
Mailing Address:
City Manager
City of Lubbock
P.O. Box 2000
Lubbock, Texas 79457