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City of Lubbock Reaches Important Milestone in Lake 7 Project

The City of Lubbock completed a major milestone in the creation of the future Lake 7, a renewable water source that is an integral part of Lubbock's 100 year water plan. On Friday, February 14, 2025, Lubbock Mayor Mark McBrayer signed the agreement purchasing the 1,500 acre V8 Ranch. The agreement enabled the City to acquire more than 85% of the land needed for the lake project.

Lake 7 will be located between Buffalo Springs Lake and East 50th Street, and will provide significant recreational opportunities for Lubbock residents in addition to a renewable water supply. 

The City's next step is to apply for the United States Army Corps of Engineers permit required by the Clean Water Act. The Lake 7 project is on track to be completed in 2032, when the lake will begin impounding water.

The City appreciates the V8 Ranch owners for their work and assistance in making this process go smoothly, and for their help in making this important investment in Lubbock's future possible.