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1314 Avenue K
Lubbock, TX

Unified Development Code Module Two Released for Public Comment

The City of Lubbock is creating a Unified Development Code that will revise, update and combine all current development-related ordinances and regulations into a single comprehensive document. Throughout this process, public engagement is not only important, but integral to the success of this new code. The second of four draft modules has been released by the Planning Department for review and comments from the public. This draft module consists of provisions related to the Mixed Use Districts, Design Standards, Building Types and Frontage Types in Downtown Lubbock, Texas. Currently, both Module One and Module Two are open for public comment.

The public is invited to review and comment on all modules of the Unified Development Code. More information on this project, its progress, and instructions on how to comment on Module One and Module Two can be found at ci.lubbock.tx.us/departments/planning/unified-development-code.