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City of Lubbock Code Enforcement Reminds Citizens of Winter Irrigation, Public Nuisances Ordinances

The Code Administration Department field officers are on the lookout for local homes and businesses running sprinklers during sub-freezing temperatures. Any water use that causes runoff onto roadways or sidewalks has the potential to create unsafe conditions for both motorists and pedestrians.

There are actually two ordinances that could potentially be violated by running sprinklers during sub-freezing weather conditions:

  1. Chapter 22: Utilities 22.03.133(b)(2)
  2. (b) A person commits an offense if he knowingly or recklessly, on premises owned, leased, or managed by the person, operates a lawn or landscape irrigation system or device that: 

(2) Irrigates during periods of freezing weather or during precipitation events described in section 22.03.132(a)(1)(A) or (b)(1)(A) of this division;


  1. Chapter 39: Unified Development Code (UDC) Section 39.01.008 Minimum Requirements
  2. b. Nuisances. No use shall otherwise be permitted which is or would reasonably be injurious to the neighborhood residents or which would interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of their property by reason of the emission of dust, smoke, odor, glare, noise, vibration, trash, junk, water spray, or by reason of any condition which would amount to a public nuisance at common law.


While some citizens with private water wells are exempt from the irrigation ordinance, they are still required to adhere to the nuisances ordinance referenced above.

Violations related to these ordinances, as well as all others, can be reported by citizens anytime using the MyLBK app found at mylubbock.us/app