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The Silent Wings Museum Presents Its 3rd Annual Poetry Competition

They Did What They Had to Do: Celebrating the "Can Do" Spirit of the

Greatest Generation

Would you like to see your words have impact? Take part in the 3rd Annual Silent Wings Museum’s Poetry Competition honoring the Greatest Generation. Have your work featured in our In Their Own Words glider pilot poetry exhibit this April 2025.

The Greatest Generation’s “can do” spirit is what kept the United States military supplied throughout World War II. From food and supply rationing to long factory hours, acquiring new skills and moving away from the gender segregated jobs, civilian Americans sacrificed without complaint to ensure victory against the Axis forces. The Silent Wings Museum’s Annual Poetry Competition for 2025 is titled, They Did What They Had To Do: Celebrating the “Can Do” spirit of the Greatest Generation. Poems should reflect on and honor their spirit and sacrifices.


Poets from middle school through adult may enter. Poems will be accepted March 4-28, 2025 at the Silent Wings Museum. Go to our website: www.silentwingsmuseum.com to review our rules and download a registration sheet.


For more information call 806-775-3059 or email: TBlount@mylubbock.us.